Easy Lifestyle Changes for Longer Life and Lower Risk of Disease


It is everyone’s wish to have a long, healthy life but most of the time, we are not sure how to achieve it. It is very important to make simple changes that will improve health and quality of life; this can be very daunting to a lot of people, therefore one should start making changes now. In this article, I will explain, the top seven doable habits that if practiced today, will result in better health outcomes for you.

1. Get Moving: The Power of Exercise

Believe it or not, exercise is good for your health and is perhaps one of the best habits that anyone can undertake. It also benefits you with your mood, energy, and can decrease your chances of getting certain diseases like heart disease and diabetes and it also can help maintain a healthy weight. At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week and activities that strengthen muscles and bones at least two times a week.

2. Eat a Balanced Diet: The Importance of Nutrition

It is important that people be careful with their diet and consume a healthy diet. Shifting to and ensuring that the body intakes whole foods for instance fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. These foods contain all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients which provide the body with capability to perform its best. Consumed processed foods, added sugars, excessive saturated and trans fats because they lead to chronic diseases.

3. Get Enough Sleep: Question 17: What is the leading role played by sleep?

Whether mentally or physically, it’s important to sleep, as a person. It is recommended to have 7 – 9 hours of sound sleep per night; it is also important to develop healthy sleep schedule of what can be done before going to bed. It could be as simple as reading a book, having a warm bath or warm shower, or practicing deep breathing, or meditating. Sleep regulates hormones, improves cognition, and reduces inflammation levels in the body if done in the correct amount.

4. Manage Stress: The Importance of Self-Care

Stress is one of the most serious factors affecting physical and mental wellbeing and that is why people should pay much attention to the proper coping strategies. This can mean doing things like meditative activities such as mindfulness and meditation; activities that will make you happy in your life; or even talking to family, friends, therapists. You are to make time for yourself and keep yourself free and relaxed because this is going to help you to be at on your best.

5. Stay Hydrated: The Importance of Water

It is important to get regular drinking water base as water plays an important role in many body activities. It is desirable to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily and avoid or at least minimize consumption of sweetened and caffeinated products, respectively, inasmuch as they are proven to be dehydrating to the body and can cause other health complications. Daily recommended water intake as a mouth rinse, increases energy in digestion, and may bear fruits in maintaining a clear skin.

6. Connect with Others: One’s well being is determined by one’s social support.

Forces of attraction are an inherent part of the social nature of man, and maintaining close contacts is necessary for health. Reach out to friends, family, and those you cherish while doing things you love and enthuse a lot about. This may involve being in a club, or a volunteer, or occasionally pro-actively going into the community to be active. People manage to achieve the positive affect and increased level of satisfaction with life by preserving social connectedness.

7. Pursue Lifelong Learning: The Power of Education

The acquisition of education and learning is important in growth of an individual of a specific sex. If you are were a student in school, want to take a class, read a book, or learn a new skill, continuing learning can enhance your mental capacity, increase your self-worth and provide satisfaction. Apart from that it may be important to try of having a positive attitude towards learning coz it can improve your life and make you realize that you are part of this present world.


You may think losing weight and getting fit is easy for some individuals but really it is a result of changing several habits in the long run to a healthier lifestyle. In the first step remember to introduce exercise, balanced diet, proper sleep and stress management; and, do not forget the basics like water intake, interpersonal relationships and continuing education. Studying these seven simple yet effective habits will help you become a healthier and happier person and make your life longer and better.

About Healthylivingtips06

Hey, I'm VET HUL . Blogger and Youtuber I like to gain every type of knowledge. And I want to share my knowledge with everyone I love thrills and travelling to new historical places. Hope all user like me. ❤️

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