7 habits that can negatively affect your life


Life is full of good and bad habits and the habits which are followed in our childhood are very important in our life. Ideally, certain behaviors are condemnable right from the start because one knows or is in a position to affirm that they are wrong to one’s health or wellbeing. But there are other, less severe, which can influence our lives to the same extent as the bad ones. Here, you shall learn about 7 bad habits that negatively affect your life and the best way to break the vices.

1. Procrastination

Delaying something compel us to delay everything is the worst kind of behavior that one can adopt in life in as much as it affects life in several ways. This leads to procrastination and where you will delay doing work, chores or making that decision, which means stress, low productivity, and missed out on important opportunities. It is important to identify the procrastination behavior, establish effective goals, to define how to schedule tasks and to introduce a regular life structure that guides important activities. Gentle reminder – always take the first step because even baby steps can go a long way.

2. Negative Self-Talk

It is such a damaging unconstructive cycle that we continue putting ourselves down without knowing that it hinders personal development. This is actually a very common tendency when people constantly think negatively to oneself, claim to be inadequate or excuse oneself not to succeed. The first thing that one has to do to correct negative self-talk therefore is to notice when it occurs and how. Next time you find yourself having these negative thoughts, train yourself to think positive about yourself instead.

3. Social Media Addiction

It sometimes feels like people spend a great amount of time using social networks updating their status, looking into other’s walls and simply being engaged in an online life. Thus, social networks, as a source of information and communication can help a person define friends’ life and main events locally and globally, and at the same time, they have several possible negative impacts on one’s mental health, personal relationships, and performance. If you are addicted to social media, stop looking at it as often as possible and make some real life and interact.

4. Overeating and Poor Nutrition

Consumption of unhealthy foods and excessive food intake can result to adverse effects; some of which are; being over weight, experiencing heart complications and diabetic complications. Most people aren’t aware that they can radically alter their state of health with little modifications to what they eat. As with any eating disorder, a healthy diet combined with portion control and the exclusion of processed and sugary foods are recommended. Besides, taking moderate exercise session and practice of drinking water may also reduce your risks of developing the diseases associated with the conditions.

5. Financial Instability

Sewing financial ruin can cause a lifetime of financial woes and can keep another aspect of your life from flourishing. Overcoming financial instability involves setting a budget, making a savings plan, and setting priority in financial goals. Make sure you learn about personal finance and if you need to, maybe consult or seek assistance from a financial planner. By managing your money You’ll feel more at ease and ready for life because you are no longer worried of what could happen.

6. Multitasking

Multitasking is among the worst tendencies as it reduces efficiency and capacity to concentrate. It has been proved that a human mind is not wired to perform multi-boaded and multitasking is a way of less productivity and more chances of mistake making. Avoiding this type of output requires one to follow multi-tasking etiquette – and dedicate time in equal upportions to only one task for a longer period of time There are several ways of working on the technique such as the pomodoro method.

7. Perfectionism

Perfectionism can become a real obstacle on the path to success and happiness. It is okay to have big goals and set up high standards for your self but this is not good because when you try to become perfect you may end up stressing your self, causing you to be anxious or missing other opportunities. In overcoming perfectionism, change the meaning of the word success, and set attainable goals. You accept failure will happen during learning and development processes and concentrate on working towards improvement instead of focusing on the failure.


It is well known that changing undesirable behavior is not easy at all, but the price does not seem very high, if the goal is a happier and more healthy life. Thus, having established what is wrong with us and how it prevents us from succeeding in each aspect of our lives, we can begin eradicating barriers to our success outright. It’s very important always to remember that change isn’t an immediate process and there are some times involved, and that is why we should not be searing with ourselves. Peculiarly, I find it most inspiring when readers remain persistent and consistent in practicing new behaviors or changing old habits for happiness.

About Healthylivingtips06

Hey, I'm VET HUL . Blogger and Youtuber I like to gain every type of knowledge. And I want to share my knowledge with everyone I love thrills and travelling to new historical places. Hope all user like me. ❤️

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