The Nature of Anxiety: Understanding the Disorder, Its Signs and Effectual Ways of Coping


Anxiety is a mental disorder that affects people of all ages and is for now able to be estimated at approximately one in fifteen people. In today’s world people can hardly avoid some level of anxiety because the world is so fast and competitive. But whatever the reason, if it progresses and starts to affect ones day to day activities, it has to be treated. It is for this reason that in this article, we will highlight several elements of anxiety such as causes, signs and effective ways of combating it to enable you come up with a better and informed decision for your well being.

Understanding Anxiety

Stress and fear often lead to anxiety because it is a natural response on the part of the subject. Anxiety is a kind of worry , or concern ; it can come in many forms and varying degrees of severity. There are various types of anxiety, these include generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobia, post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and social anxiety disorder. However, anxiety can manifest itself in various ways, although people should not ignore it and tackle it themselves.

Causes of Anxiety

The cause of anxiety therefore can be multiple and various. While it’s unlikely that genetics are the only contributing factor to anxiety, life stress, trauma, and experience combine in their role as contributing factor to the development of this disorder. Some common causes of anxiety include:

1. Genetics: It was established that anxiety may be hereditary and people with a genetic background of anxiety disorders are more likely to experience those disorders.

2. Environmental Factors: Other triggers of anxiety include trauma exposure, having a stressful life and adverse childhood experiences.

3. Brain Chemistry: Dopamine and serotonin levels that may be present in the human body may control levels of anxiety.

4. Lifestyle Factors: Unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and sleepless night tends to worsen the condition of anxiety.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety has its symptoms however; they may differ from one individual to another. Some common symptoms of anxiety include:

1. Physical symptoms: These may include increase heart rate, increased rate of breathing, sweating, trembling, muscle stiffness among others.

2. Psychological symptoms: Common effects of anxiety include; being unable to relax, being easily frustrated, and developing the habit of worrying most of the time.

3. Cognitive symptoms: Patient with anxiety may present with nervosity, restlessness, and poor working memory, as well as fear of the future.

4. Behavioral symptoms: Doing this can cause a person to stop going to certain places, or even interacting with certain people or things that make him feel anxious, thus resulting in social withdrawal, or even withdrawal from, specific tasks.

Treatment Techniques that can Help to Reduce Anxiety

Current treatment of anxiety entails preventing stress, adoption of lifestyle changes and use of professional health services. Here are some effective strategies to manage anxiety:

1. Practice relaxation techniques: Breathing techniques, meditation and progressive muscular relaxation, will help in practicing anxiety disorder.

2. Exercise regularly: Physical activity produces fun hormones like endorphin to stimulate the body and brain to release stress and anxiety.

3. Maintain a healthy diet: To have low level of anxiety and an improved mood a healthy diet plan to be taken in includes fruits, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains.

4. Get enough sleep: It not only improves one’s health of the mind and emotional state also it rests. The third Rail is: Begin by eliminating or reducing interference and set a regular sleep schedule and prepare one’s sleep environment properly.

5. Seek professional help: If anxiety begins to affect your capacity to engage in social activities, and your practical work, then you may want to consult a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or a therapist. A psychiatrist can prescribe some medications and CBT can help people with anxiety.

6. Join a support group: It is always helpful to chat to people who understand how it feels and what it is like to have anxiety and the ways to deal with it.


Anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders that may affect different spheres of human’s life. This way, you will be better equipped to get the help you need if you’ve been diagnosed with anxiety or any other mental health disorder, and you will improve the quality of your life if you don’t suffer from mental health problems. Just as always do remember that consulting professionals when needed is a crucial process of dealing with anxiety and having a healthy brain.

About Healthylivingtips06

Hey, I'm VET HUL . Blogger and Youtuber I like to gain every type of knowledge. And I want to share my knowledge with everyone I love thrills and travelling to new historical places. Hope all user like me. ❤️

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