Exercise For The Real Man: A Comparative Guide To Achieving Perfect Fitness In The 21st Century


The world we live in today is more of a busy world than anything. We have deadlines at work, at home and everywhere else which leaves us with little time for anything else apart from scrambling to meet one deadline or the other. All too often, our fitness and health can unfortunately become the final thing on the list when it comes to striving for success and efficiency. Nutrition, though, is important for us to get to the peak of our efficiency and emerge victorious in every contest that is thrown at us, health wise we need to embrace fitness. That is why we have developed this ultimate fitness guide for the new age warrior – so you will have the inspiration needed to start a life changing process as well as learn right habits that will see out your lifetime.

What is Fitness, Exactly?

Now that we have an idea of what we need to do to achieve positive health and wellness, it is probably best that we make sure we are clear about what we mean when we say ‘fitness’. Fitness therefore means the total wellbeing of the entire body and the soul, the physical, mental and the emotional part of the body. By improving every of these, you’ll be able to manage stress improved, raise the intelligence level, improve energy and has the potential to expand the span of human life.

The Physical Aspect: A Strong Foundation

Physical fitness on the other hand comprises of muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body balance. Strength training may not as appealing as jogging or taking a yoga class but is an important part of a fitness plan. Having well-developed muscles particularly the muscles that are around your belly region assist in holding your bodies structure and help prevent numerous injuries arising from normal tasks such as walking, sitting or lifting your children.

However, the most important type of endurance training the cardiovascular system has is the ability for supplying oxygen to muscles while performing exercise. Everyone I think knows that aerobically and every day moderate or vigorous activities, for instance, walking, running or cycling has time and again lowered the threat of diseases like arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, as well as some cancers. Regarding mobility, this is defined as your ability to move your body’s joints through their full range of motion and this is quite important because if you have full joint mobility you can do many activities without recurrent joint pains, arthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders.

Mind-Body Connection: Mental Health and Emotional Health

But the idea of fitness is much deeper beyond mere physical aspect. Any fitness regimen should work to address any physical, social, psychological aspects of its subject at the same time, on equal measure. Well, mindfulness is an example, one in which a person is actually paying attention to what is happening in the current situation in order to be far more sensitive to what you feel, think, and experience, in the physical. It will give you the skills you need to fight stress, to decrease anxiety, and to develop a more positive attitude to life in general.

And there are tasks to perform in the realm of mental development, like brain training games and puzzles, or even crosswords, which are also thought to improve thinking and memory, and take away from the effect of aging on the brain. Emotional fitness does not only involve other areas of concern like gratitude, personal affirmation and support for friends and family, but also the emotional fitness.

Nutrition: There are minute differences between the types of nutrients we put into our body but it is important for people to understand that people are different and there is nothing better than the right fuel for the right body.

When talking about the mind-body link, one can also not mention food and what you feed your body. Anyway, the human body is a temple that needs to be feed with the right foods for it to be healthy all the time. A balanced diet meaning a diet populated by whole more natural foods like fruits, green vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats, and whole grain will provide the nutrition needed to fuel your physical activities as well as maintain overall health.

Great news is that there are many and different ways of improving your nutrition, for instance, meal prepping during the week. It is a way of undertaking your meals and snacks planning in advance so that in the end you find time is saved, you are not stressed as well you are fueling your body appropriately in terms of calories and nutrients at an appropriate period. No to mention, eating prepared meals also minimize the chances of a person to patronize fast foods or quick options when he or she is so busy.


Now, this definitely means that true fitness is a physical and mental union. With strength training, cardiovascular exercise, flexibility, mindfulness and healthy diet, one can make his/her best at it, be able to be the modern day warrior you or I have become. Accept this amazing change and I urge everyone to join me to fight any problem that life brings onto us. As the saying goes better health is better wealth – make your health your number one investment today, and reap your rewards tomorrow.

About Healthylivingtips06

Hey, I'm VET HUL . Blogger and Youtuber I like to gain every type of knowledge. And I want to share my knowledge with everyone I love thrills and travelling to new historical places. Hope all user like me. ❤️

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